Capitol Hill-Central District


Capitol Hill is the most densely populated neighborhood in the city and is the center of the city's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. Famous residents include Dan Savage, a popular American gay alternative sex advice columnist, who well represents Capitol Hill's population of hipsters and homosexuals. The neighborhood is not exclusively gay by any means, and there are almost no establishments that aren't integrated with homosexual and heterosexual customers.

Capitol Hill has also has been the center of Seattle's alternative community for decades. During the 1990's, Capitol Hill was one of the birthplaces of the country's grunge movement. Kurt Cobain and other famous grunge musicians frequented Capitol Hill establishments. Capitol Hill is still the center of Seattle's independent music community.

Popular retail districts within Capitol Hill include Broadway, the Pike/Pine corridor, and 15th Ave E. There are a variety of restaurants, bars, music venues, clubs, boutiques, and other shops here. Condominium and apartment buildings surround these areas. There are many grand old homes in "mansionland" to the north, near Volunteer Park. Capitol Hill residents are generally some of the most politically progressive in the country. Many of the 1999 WTO protests spilled from downtown into Capitol Hill.